Learn from the top companies
using AI & automation
The buildersklub conference - the event where forward-thinking companies share how they’re using AI, automation, and no-code to accelerate growth and scale faster.

< june 25th, 2025
BeRLIN - Germany/>
Speakers and agenda announced soon...

Rebranded as buildersklub to reflect our broaden vision, our event returns to Berlin for its 4th edition!
Learn directly from the success stories of forward-thinking founders and companies who have leveraged no-code and AI to level-up their businesses and scale faster.
Connect with fellow innovators, and leave with a new strategies on how to accelerate your growth. No sales pitches, just real insights!
Organized by:
350+ Attendees
20+ Speakers
Guest Speakers

Managing Director & CCO

Andreas Stryz
CTO & Co-Founder

Mariam Hakobyan
CEO / Co-Founder

Nikolai Skatchkov

Fabian Q. Veit

Marius Tuft

Aleks Basara
Weglot DACH Ambassador

Samuel Morgan
Bubble Developer

Philipp Weidenbach

Lukasz Pajak
Founder & COO

Rupert Hoffschmidt-Mcdonnell

Torben Schulz
Founder & COO

Sebastian Mertens
Head of Applied AI